How to start investing in the US being an NRI?

How to start investing in the US being an NRI?

How to start investing in the US being an NRI?

For the NRIs in the US, an investment can be the best method to build long term wealth. If you are an NRI and are planning to invest in the US, you don’t need to be wealthy or super-rich; a common man can start investing with a minimum amount of funds but in a wise manner.

Some of the best investment options in the US which can be ideal for NRIs can be listed below.

  1. Index Funds
  2. Target-Date Retirement Funds
  3. Retirement Account

Index Funds

An Index fund is a category of mutual fund which has a portfolio that has been constructed in a way such that it can match the components of a financial market index i.e. the Standard and Poor’s 500 Index (S&P 500). Index funds help the investor in providing wider market exposure, fewer expenses involved in operating and low turnover associated with the portfolio.

By investing in an index fund, an NRI would be involved in a form of passive investing. Here the portfolio manager would not be actively involved in picking up the stocks and making up strategies on how to buy and sell them. Rather, the portfolio manager would build up a portfolio in which the holdings would mirror the securities which are of a specific index. In simple terms, an index fund is a portfolio of stocks or bonds which are designed in such a way that it can be similar to the composition of a financial market index.

Index Funds are a very good choice for diversification. They provide strong long term returns and are an ideal option for buy-and-hold investors. There is a “three-fund portfolio” which can be used to make an investment in every sector in the market.

  1. Total U.S. Stock Market Index Fund consists of large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap U.S stocks.
  2. Total International Stock Index Fund which comprises of developed and developing international markets.
  3. Total Bond Market Index Fund that includes corporate bonds and Government bonds.

Target-Date retirement fund

The target-date retirement fund is another ideal investment option for NRIs in the US. An investor can choose a fund that is nearer to his planned retirement date. The fund manager should plan and put the money into better and conservative assets as the investor’s retirement date approaches.

Target-date retirement funds can be more expensive when compared to Index funds. But, still, they are cheaper and involve less amount of risk as compared to that of the option of selection of individual stocks for investment.

Retirement Accounts

In the US, federal tax and state income tax is charged on any income which is obtained from an investment.  To reduce bills that are related to tax, NRIs must start contributing towards a 401(k) plan or towards an individual account which is meant for retirement. If an NRI has an individual retirement account, he will pay tax on the cash in the account for only once.

With the help of a 401(k) plan or contributions made towards IRA the taxable income of NRI decreases. The contributions made by the NRI become tax-deferred as taxes are paid on the amount being withdrawn. Roth 401(k) and IRA need to make tax payments in the current year, but the amount of contribution made and the earnings made in life-time grow free. If the employer of an NRI is offering equal contribution, then he can consider making contributions to the 401(k) plan first. Otherwise, it is wiser to contribute to the Retirement Account at lower fees.

The right time to begin investing

The right time to begin investing is from now as more opportunities will be available to earn income from dividends and also to capture the growth in the share price. Moreover, when you are reinvesting your income; your passive income starts compounding.

In the US, investing is the best option to start saving for your retirement. The sooner you start investing the less you are delaying your retirement planning. The rate of interest in banks is almost low and does not generate much compound interest. Also, inflation rates affect the rate of interest in the savings account. So, by investing early you are paving the way for obtaining consistent returns with fewer efforts.

Hence, there are numerous investment avenues available for NRIs in the US. To start investments in the US as an NRI, you do not need too many funds. You can start your investment from today with minimum funds and minimum effort but with strategies and far-sightedness.