NRI with Green Card in the US, what not to forget while filing your taxes this year

NRI with Green Card in the US, what not to forget while filing your taxes this year

NRI with Green Card in the US, what not to forget while filing your taxes this year

The income tax system that currently in motion in the United States of America, requires corporation, trusts, estates and individuals to pay taxes. If you are an NRI, you must also pay taxes to Uncle Sam. Irrespective of whether you are filing your taxes for the very first time or have been doing it for years, here are a few things that you must not forget.
  • Reporting Foreign Assets (Form 8938)

The IRS introduced Form 8938 a few years ago to get additional information regarding foreign assets of their citizens. The Form 8938 or Statement of Specified Foreign Financial Assets should be filed along with their taxes. This form requires taxpayers to disclose additional information regarding their interests and investments in foreign financial assets. With the help of this form, the IRS can identify the non-compliance of its taxpayers. Your financial assets such as pension plans, mutual funds, insurance policies, ULIP plans and bank account balances must be declared as a part of Form 8938. The form is quite exhaustive, to say the least. You can get in touch with the company handling your finances or banker to get these details.
  • Global Income

The IRS outlines its residents and citizens (PIO, OCI or NRI) to pay taxes on their global income and not only the income generated in the US. Anyone who has stayed in the US for at least 31 days in a fiscal year and 183 days in the previous three years, gets the tag of a US resident. If you qualify, you must declare your global income. Global income includes any salary that you receive in India, either for consultation or freelancing. Income in the form of interests or dividends earned on bank deposits or other securities. Income generated from rent received on a property, agricultural income or capital gain on the selling of assets, all qualify. You will be taxed on all of these in the US. While income from agriculture is tax-free, it will be taxed in the US. However, if you have paid taxes in India for any of these incomes, you can claim for the foreign tax credit as per the DTAA.
  • Employee Stock Option Plan

Employee Stock Option Plan or ESOP is something that you must not forget in your tax filing. The IRS considers the granted value of ESOPs when a taxpayer opts for the same. The total ESOP compensation must be added to the gross income. If you had exercised a similar option in India and have paid relevant taxes, you can opt for tax credit while filing your tax return.
  • Form 8621

The IRS requires all its citizens and residents to declare their foreign investments such as mutual funds and private equities in the tax return. These investments come under the purview of the Passive Foreign Investment Company (PFIC). To summarize, according to the PFIC, a taxpayer must declare all such investments and any gains that they earn out of them. These gains must be declared and appropriate taxes paid. In the event that you fail to do so or did not receive any gains from them, the final sale value would be divided for the number of years and calculated. For instance, if you haven’t received any distributions over 5 years and you gain a total of $200, it would be considered as $40 for each year. Being on the top of these will help you from coming under the scrutiny of the IRS. And of course, sets yoo up for a smoother tax filing season.
Under what circumstances is it compulsory for an NRI to file his taxes?

Under what circumstances is it compulsory for an NRI to file his taxes?

Under what circumstances is it compulsory for an NRI to file his taxes?

It is a common understanding that anyone who has a source of income in India and falls into the tax complusory for an NRI brackets must pay income  taxes. But not many are aware of the fact that even NRIs might have to pay file taxes for their income in India. The NRI Taxation section of the Income Tax Act of 1961 governs thesetaxations. And there are a lot of differences when it comes to taxation for NRIs versus Indian residents.

Residential Status

The residential status of a taxpayer plays a crucial role in deciding the liability of taxes. Anyone who spends more than 182 days in India is considered as an Indian resident for that fiscal year. Similarly, if you have stayed for at least 60 days in the previous year and a total of 365 days or a complete year in the past 5 years in India, the status remains as an Indian resident. Otherwise, the taxpayer is considered as an NRI.
For Resident Indians, their global income is taxable in India. However, for NRIs the income accrued or earned in India is taxable. And irrespective of whether you are an NRI or resident, you must file tax returns if your income exceeds INR 2,50,000 for a fiscal year.

Taxable Income

If you earn money from any of the following avenues, your income is subject to income taxes. Of course, the actual amount of taxes largely depends on the income and the tax slab that you become a part of. Here are the incomes that you need to keep an eye on.
– Salary
If any of your services or employment is rendered in India and you are earning money on the same, it must be a part of income tax. For NRIs, if they receive income for the services that they provide in India, they will be taxed in India.
– Rental Property
If you own properties that you have rented out, you must pay taxes on the same. Tenants who pay their rent to their NRI must deduct 30% TDS. A tenant must submit Form 15CA to the income tax department. In certain cases, a certificate from a chartered accountant is needed (Form 15CB) in order to submit Form 15CA.
– Property
Any income that you receive from a property is also taxable as far as an NRI is concerned. The tax calculation remains more or less similar to that of a resident Indian. NRIs can take a standard deduction of 30%, benefits from any home loans on the property and deduct property taxes as well. NRIs can also seek for exemption under Section 80C for repayment of principal for any existing loans.
– Other income
Should you earn any interests in the form of fixed deposits or savings accounts which are held in India, you must pay taxes for the same. Any interest that you earn on NRE or FCNR accounts is non-taxable. However, for interests earned on NRO accounts, you must pay taxes. If you have any business set up in India and earn through them, the income is taxable in India.You must also pay taxes for capital gains of any form. Capital gain usually comes into the picture if you buy or sell properties, shares, securities etc. The profits that you make on these investments are taxable in India.
– Indian Assets
On investing in certain Indian assets, NRIs must pay as much as 20% in taxes. However, if it’s the only income for the fiscal year and TDS has been deducted, they need not file a return for the same.
These are some conditions where an NRI might need to file his/her taxes.