Remember the Annual Gift Tax Exemption
Remember the Annual Gift Tax Exemption
Remember the Annual Gift Tax Exemption: One of the best ways to ultimately reduce your estate taxes and at the same time give to those you love is to take advantage of the annual gift tax exemption. Although the gifts are not tax-deductible, for tax year 2018, you are able to give $15,000 to each of as many people as you want without having to report the transfer to the government or pay any gift tax. If this is something that you want to do, make sure that you do so by the end of the year, as you are not able to carry the $15,000 over into 2019.
A personal exemption is an amount that a resident taxpayer is entitled to claim as a tax deduction against personal income in calculating taxable income and consequently federal income tax. It has the effect of reducing income tax payable, even to tax-free level, but not so as to result in a tax refund.
Exemption Phase-Out. Taxpayers earning above a certain amount will lose part or all the $4,050 exemption. See Publication 501 for details.
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