IRS Process to File Tax Returns

IRS Process to File Tax Returns

IRS Process to File Tax Returns

Getting through the tax returns process is a chore that most of us would not like to a part of. However, it is a necessity that needs to be covered at any costs. If you have somehow managed to face your demons and file your taxes and tax return, the next step is waiting for a tax refund if you qualify for any. But before we get to how long it is going to take for your refunds to be dispatched or credited, it is important to know the internal process as well.


The IRS is no stranger when it comes to deadlines. They have a very strict timeline that they have to follow and ensure that all the returns are filed for individuals as well as businesses. 15th of April is the final deadline before the returns have to be filed. Unless the same is on a holiday, in that case, the next working day acts as the deadline. In case of extensions, the modified timelines come into effect. The deadline for filing tax returns for individuals is the 15th of April. As far companies or organizations go, the deadline of March 15th mostly holds good. The last date for organizations and companies is the 15th day of the third month of a fiscal year. If you have opted for an extension of the tax return date, the deadline shifts to the 15th of October (6 months from the actual due date). The IRS starts processing the tax returns as soon as they receive them. No matter what the source is, electronic or paper submissions, the returns follow a first come first serve basis.

Post Tax Filing

As soon as you file or e-file your tax returns you can expect an acknowledgment from the IRS within 48 hours of the filing. If you have e-filed your taxes, you will receive an acknowledgment email within the prescribed time. Individuals who chose a different form to file their taxes will receive the acknowledgment via the same method. On receiving the acknowledgment letter from the IRS successfully, you can then visit the IRS website to track your application. You need to visit the IRS website and look for the “Where is my refund?” option. Once you fill in the necessary details, you should be able to track your application and its status. However, you will not be able to track the status of previous year filings or tax return files with amendments.

Tax Refunds

While filing up the tax returns, you need to specify a mode for refunds, if there are any. The only two modes available are a direct transfer to the account or mailing of a cheque. Even IRS prescribes using the direct transfer mode, as it eliminates any chances of the cheques getting lost in transit. Also, direct transfers allow for a much faster turnaround time. If you are expecting a tax refund and have opted for the direct transfer mode, the same would be reflected in your account in less than 21 days once you file the tax returns. For all the individuals who opted for physical tax returns or cheques, the time taken is relatively longer. The refunds usually take about 6 weeks of time. You can enter the details of the mode of refund in your tax return form under the Refund section. You can enter the same when you are filing for tax returns using websites as well.

In some cases, individuals do not receive their refunds within the allotted time. If you are facing such a situation where you haven’t received your direct transfer refunds in 21 days or physical refunds in more than 6 weeks, you should reach out to the IRS.